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Library Of Mmana Antenna Files

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  1. Mmana Gal Antenna Modelling

In such cases, the source is placed centrally on a short wire between two sets of wires, as shown in the diagram. Antenna view Opens a new window displaying the image of the antenna file. The current distribution is calculated and superimposed on the image. Vertical current components are shown in Red and horizontal in Blue. Select a wire A specific wire can be selected by either using the up/down arrows of the spin box, or by left clicking on the wire. The selected wire will be redrawn in bold.

Useful Hint: It is often helpful to look at the modeled current distribution as any unexpected deviations or irregular wave shapes may indicate a need to re-check the wire definition, wire connection or segmentation Segments Check box Check this box to display the segmentation points. This can be of help when verifying tapering. Calculate The MININEC3 algorithm relies on real ground parameters to calculate the far field and the subsequent beam pattern. The impedance (Z) calculation also assumes a perfect conductive ground.

Click on the required type of stub in the STUB selection box. Matching can also be done by using a lumped-constant load in the stub. Insert XS as an inductance (coil) or a capacitance (capacitor).

Using MMANA-GAL for antenna modelling. 80m OCFD (Windom) and an experimental W5GI mystery antenna file. Download the MMANA-GAL antenna files. It’s possible that MMANA-GAL can convert between the. MMANA Antenna Data. You put your private information into danger by opening files coming from an.

You can make association the element with the other element that have different X value. This technique would be useful for the antennas, such as a surface antenna, which has many elements in the same size and space. When you push the All elements button, MMANA-GAL puts a typical value to the pitch. You may change the value as you like. The pop-up menu provides a means to give the identical pitch to the all variables. Resonance frequency of the element It should be useful for the antenna construction to have the resonance frequency of each element by using the antenna simulation.

The Stub tool caters for the most commonly used twin-feed transmission lines and coaxial cables in a special look-up table within MMANA-GAL. The line that is required can be selected using the mouse on the Type of Line drop down window.

0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc.). Notice how these lengths produce an radiation resistance (impedance) close to 100 ohms. The patterns of these are made up of many lobes (cloverleaf pattern). How do antennas produce gain?

Atau kita juga bisa buat titik feed ini belakangan di geometry. Nggak harus dibuat pertama kali. Meskipun lebih enak pertama kali karena ada titik referensi utk elemen berikutnya. Tahap-tahap selanjutnya udah enak tinggal klik-klik menu aja.


I gave a talk on antenna modelling using the free MMANA-GAL software at my local Amateur Radio Club. It looks at what MMANA-GAL is, how to use it and then a number of different applications. Some of these are useful and surprising - like how to optimise a 40m off centre fed dipole (Windom) so that you can get 15m. And how mounting an antenna as an inverted V can seriously change its radation pattern or number of bands available.

[ Type or * ] 2.2m 1.8m 2m 1.8m 2.2m ------+-----+------+-----+------- 20mm 25mm 30mm 25mm 20mm [Type -> or -> *] 2m 1.8m 6.2m --------+-----+-------------------- 30mm 25mm 20mm In the antenna View window, the tapered element is displayed with the connecting points marked with a blue square. Right click on the element to verify the combination. You should pay careful attention to the segmentation for a combination of elements.

Click on the Geometry Tab, this has a an antenna definition tool in a table format like a spreadsheet. With the table, you can define the antenna parameters including wire dimension, sources, and loads (LCR load/termination). EXAMPLE - creating a simple 2 element beam half wave antenna for 20m.

LC Load Calculations For LC Loads the program automatically calculates the missing value of Frequency, L or C value from any two parameters. MANNA-GAL assumes the value of Q to be Zero, but this can be changed after the Frequency, L or C values have been calculated. A very high Q is usually indicative of a low loss situation.

A similar procedure can also be performed if you find a typing error or an expression which looks not perfect for you. Hp deskjet 1056 driver windows 10. In this case simply amend the unsatisfactory expression in the.mmn file. Take a note, you can only translate the MMANA-GAL language into the desired one if you run a respective language Windows system.

A good guide is to check how the impedance is affected by increasing or decreasing the number of segments. If the impedance change is small the model is correct. Alternatively, check the current distribution in the antenna view window. Smooth current distribution indicates that the model is correct. The lambda check-box When this box is ticked, MMANA-GAL recalculates all the dimensions in the definition with respect to wavelength. A 20m half wave dipole with two 5.13m long elements will be re-calculated as having two elements that are 0.242296m long. This is called the wavelength mode.

It also will calculate the feed impedance, feed-line SWR, bandwidth, and other things. However, the 'Garbage In, Garbage Out,' rule applies especially well to MMANA and other antenna modeling programs. Fail to describe an antenna properly or ask MMANA to do something that is beyond its capabilities, impossible, or stupid and it will give you either no results or misleading results.

The Fields screen allows you to select horizontal or vertical polarization in the electric field. You can select the following views: • Horizontal Polarity (H) • Vertical Polarity (V) • Total (aggregation, set default) • Superimposed (V+H). Double left click on the pattern generates a measuring vector at that radial position. Left click and hold to drag the vector to a new location. Vector off by right click on the pattern. To print the beam pattern, push the Print button and proceed with the dialog box.

Please note that most of the functions to be described are unavailable in the '3-D view window', where it is only possible to alter the wire end points or connect the selected wire to other wires. Move the mouse near to the end of the wire; the cursor will change shape to a cross. Como llevar un libro de contabilidad Right click and hold on the end point and it is possible to move the wire to any position. Hold the shift key while holding the right click button to pull the wire vertically or horizontally. By holding the control key and the right click button it is possible to alter the angle without changing the length of the wire. Move the cursor to the middle of a wire, the cursor shape will change to an arrowhead with a square box, hold the right click button to move the wire to any required position. Holding the shift button at the same time will move the wire in a vertical or horizontal direction.

Min and Max defines the range of the variable. The variable does not become smaller than Min or larger than Max. You could specify other variable with # followed by the variable number. If you put #1 in the Max box for example, the Max value is set the value of variable 1. If you do not put Max value to the element space of Uda-Yagi antenna, MMANA-GAL might give you much larger space than you expected.

Dielectric constant and conductivity of the ground • Ground Dielectric constant Conductivity (mS/m) Sea water 81 4000 Fresh water 80 1 - 10 Wet ground 5 - 15 1 - 10 Dry field, forest 13 5 Sandy field 12 2 Suburb, industrial 5 1 Arid field 2 - 6 0.1 Plots - Z, SWR, Gain F/B The Plots window is accessed from the bottom of the Calculate screen by clicking on the Plot button. At the top of the Plots window there are six special buttons that are used to produce the plots. • Bandwidth Selection Box: This has a drop down menu that is used to specify the bandwidth,centered on the modeled frequency, which is used to create the various plots.

You can select one of the steps and get it back to the optimization window so that you can manually pick out the optimization result you think best Tips on the optimization Changing one parameter at a time to maximize the target value and repeating it for other parameters as well, gives fast convergence and good results. This procedure, however, would not always give the real optimized solution that the one-by-one method gives. It could terminate the optimization just after finding a local minimum. If you are not satisfied with the result, change the parameter manually and retry the optimization.

You could execute two MMANA-GAL at the same time. You can run the optimization in one window and design an antenna in the other window. Optimization log The optimization routine would not always judge the result, which one thinks the best, is the best. This might be due to the fact that the rate of evaluation is different from that the designer expects. You can read the optimization log by pushing the Optimization log button at the bottom of the Optimization window. It shows up to 128 latest steps of the optimization.

• X-Y: Top view. • X-Z: Side view. • Y-Z: Front view.

You can select the parameters that you focus on using the slide bars in the top of the window. As you slide the bar to right, the selected target is prioritized. As you slide the bar to the left end, the target is ignored.

Mmana Gal Antenna Modelling

The coefficients of the numerators are A0 - An and those of the denominator are B0 - Bn. Z = R+LS+(1/CS) 1 + RC•S + CL•S 2 The Laplace form of the equation above is: Z = R+j ω L+(1/j ω C) --> R+SL+(1/SC) Therefore, you can simulate this with A0=1, A1=RC, A2=CL, B0=0, B1=C, B2=0 (or A0=1/C, A1=R, A2=L, B0=0, B1=1, B2=0). The units for R, C and L are in ohms, F, and H, respectively. The absolute values with these units tend to be very small, therefore the exponential notation is recommended e.g. A capacitor with a value of 20pF is expressed as 20 • 10 -12 = 2x10 -11.

The moment method divides an element into pieces, called segments, and calculates the current flow in each segment. The actual number of segments and the method of segmentation strongly influences the calculation's accuracy. This is particularly true when an element is bent (e.g., loop antenna). In this case the element has to be segmented into smaller pieces, but only around the bending point of the element.

The result could depend on the parameter order. MMANA-GAL attempts the optimization by changing No. 1 parameter first and then does No.2 parameter. It is a good idea to put the most effective parameter in the first place of the variable parameter list. Pursuing the gain often results in the low impedance. The very low impedance makes the sustainable bandwidth narrow, and the wire loss cannot be ignored. It is difficult to implement the very low impedance antenna in the real world.