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Schedule Server 2003 Backup Batch File

Schedule Server 2003 Backup Batch File Rating: 9,2/10 1520 reviews

How to use Schtasks.exe to Schedule Tasks in Windows Server 2003. Or batch file. The run operation ignores the schedule, but uses the program file location. Sep 18, 2012  I need help creating a scheduled task that runs a batch file in Windows 2003 Server. I am trying to schedule a batch file to run monthly. Apr 20, 2016  Secondly have you tried to create a batch file (rewrite your current one a bit) to run from a different servers task scheduler to remotely run and complete the task on the server that isnt working? Just to verify that it is the scheduler that is broken and not something else corrupt on the server.

Customizing Windows Server Backup Schedule Windows Server Backup (WSB) is the built-in backup solution for Windows Server 2008 that replaces the venerable NT Backup from Windows Server 2003 and before. WSB protects the files and the server os/application binaries within itself as a single-server solution. To consolidate protection across multiple servers or applications like SQL Server, Exchange, SharePoint or Hyper-V, then Microsoft would recommend looking at System Center Data Protection Manager ( ). By design, WSB ensures that you have recent backups by performing its local backup operations at least once per day. While this is good and recommended there may be reasons specific to your environment where you may want to take backups at a lesser frequency or have multiple backup schedules (e.g. Daily and weekly). For example, you may want to backup your files every day, while backing up the system state at lesser frequency say once a week.

If yes, then can you check if the batch file is actually created by your application? If the batch file is actually created, can you also made some changes to the code that launches the batch file to make it redirect the output to a text file so you can later check the file for possible error messages?

Syntax: SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /D /TN /RL HIGHEST /ST /TR Example: SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /D SAT /TN WeeklySystemStateBackup /RL HIGHEST /ST 19:00 /TR “WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget: I: -quiet >> C:backupLogs.txt “ Sample 3: Complete System Backup Once in Two Weeks The following command will create a Task Scheduler task named OnceInTwoWeeksFullBackup that runs every Sunday ( SUN) at 1:00 once every 2 weeks. This task will run WEEKLY with the HIGHEST privileges. It will run the Windows Server Backup CLI to backup allCritical volumes to target volume J. Syntax: SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /MO /D /TN /RL HIGHEST /ST /TR Example: SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /MO 2 /D SUN /TN OnceInTwoWeeksFullBackup /RL HIGHEST /ST 01:00 /TR “WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget: J: -allCritical -quiet >> C:backupLogs.txt “ Notes: •.

/Z Copy files in restartable mode. 'Restartable' means Robocopy should write a recovery record inside an incomplete file so if the operation is interrupted or aborted, a future run of Robocopy can resume copying where the previous one left off, instead of starting over at the beginning.

C: Users Mike>net use New connections will be remembered. Status Local Remote Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unavailable Z: mixSBS mix Data Microsoft Windows Network The command completed successfully. The VPN connection shows in the NETWORKING AND SHARING CENTER but the mapped drive does not show in COMPUTER. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. The mapped connection would be visible in the session under which the scheduled task executes (which you do not report). What account do you use for the scheduled task?

But in some cases, this isn't always possible (i.e., traveling laptop users). To provide backups for such users, I recommend copying documents from one location on the hard drive to another. To keep this process simple, I've developed a batch file to do the job. Combine this file with Windows' Scheduled Task feature, and you have an easy method for duplicating files automatically. Create a mirror with this batch file For this process, you'll set up a backup or mirror folder in a location other than the one usually used for storage. Then, you'll use the batch file to copy the documents to that new folder.

This batch file will do a full Backup the first time that it is run and an incremental Backup afterwards. Set up a Drive Letter for the Drives. Connect the Drive you are going to use for the Backup. Right click on My Computer, select manage, and then click?Disk Management.? Change the drive letter of the drive. Right-click on the drive in the list, and from the resulting menu select 'Change Drive Letters and Paths' Click on Change so you can change the drive letter. Click Change.

It all points to a failiure of the task scheduler but exactly what is causing it to fail is what we are stuck on. Thanks for your responses! I still feel like i dont have enough information as to what could be the cause so im just gonna shoot off a few ideas it could possibly be. First thing have you tried to reinstall the task scheduler on that server?

• /s—This option copies directories and subdirectories. • /r—This switch copies read-only files. • /y—Use this switch to overwrite files without prompting.

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I don't think this issue have anything to do with Windows Form itself. You may want to try asking in the Technet forums for permission configuration suggestions if you can't even run the AT command from command prompt manually. Thanks, Jie Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

So no luck again. Workaround that works: 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd'. *.zip 60 Start in: 'N: Program Files LOG'.

Also in 2003 be sure to set 'Start in' path to 'C: Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell v1.0 '. You will also need to set your execution policy in powershell to allow you to run powershell scripts. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine Example scheduled task in 2003: Run: C: Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell v1.0 powershell.exe c: Scripts script.ps1 Start In: C: Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell v1.0 In 2008 and 2012 its slightly different. Example scheduled task in 2008/2012: Action: Start a program Program: C: Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell v1.0 powershell.exe Argument:. Script.ps1 Start in: C: scripts Hope this helps someone out.

Scheduled Tasks Advanced View Log Regards, Dave Patrick. Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft MVP [Windows] Disclaimer: This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights.

I need to schedule a task in Windows Server 2003 that executes this script that deletes files older that n days in the specified folder. The script needs 3 parameters:%1 path to folder where files need to be deleted%2 file names (es. *.log)%3 number of days @echo off forfiles -p%1 -s -m%2 -d -%3 -c 'cmd /c del /q @path' The script works fine if the first parameter has no spaces inside. This is an example of parameters that work: 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd' N: FOLDER FOLDER *.zip 60 This is an example that does not work: 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd' N: Program Files LOG *.zip 60 This does not work too: 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd' 'N: Program Files LOG' *.zip 60 I think it would be a quotes problem but I can't figure out the solution. I'd like not to insert values directly into the script if possible Thank you all for help. Thank you for your answers. After further investigations it comes out that the batch file should be modified adding quotes around @path to allow spaces: @echo off forfiles -p%1 -s -m%2 -d -%3 -c 'cmd /c del /q '@path' The path parameter has to be quoted too as follows because of spaces: 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd' 'N: Program Files LOG' *.zip 60 Now, it does not work too because having 'C: Program Files SCRIPT DeleteFilesOlderThanXDays.cmd' followed by a quoted parameter fails with an error like 'C: Program is not recognized as an internal or external command.'

ERROR 51 (0x00000033) Scanning Destination Directory: Windows cannot find the network path. Verify that the network path is correct and the destination computer is not busy or turned off.

ERROR 58 (0x0000003A) Copying NTFS Security to Destination File: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation ERROR 64 (0x00000040) The specified network name is no longer available. ERROR 112 (0x00000070) There is not enough space on the disk. ERROR 121 (0x00000079) The semaphore timeout period has expired. ERROR 1359 (0x0000054F) Scanning Source Directory: An internal error occurred. ERROR 1359 (0x0000054F) Copying File: An internal error occurred.

The filename portion of the backup is the worst part to create. You need to be able to create a new file everyday without too much hassle. So here's what I use: If you combine two of these answers (mine and a previous one) you get this gem: set mydate=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2% xcopy '%ProgramFiles% ApplicationName filename.mdb' C: Backup%mydate%_filename.mdb /H /K /O /Y Doing it this way will give you a file for ever day its run, named with the date. A complete backup script would look like this @echo off:: Yes this looks bad, but it works, it sets the file veriable mydate to YYYY_MM_DAY set mydate=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2% echo Backing up DC1::: start a new backup session, the /M switch is for the type of bakcup being performed, type ntbackup /? For more info start /wait ntbackup backup DC1 c$ /j 'DC1 Backup' /f 'C: BAK DC1 DC1_%mydate%.bkf' /M incremental echo DC1 is Done echo Backing up EXCH: start /wait ntbackup backup EXCH c$ /j 'EXCH Backup' /f 'C: BAK EXCH EXCH_%mydate%.bkf' /M incremental echo EXCH is Done echo Backing up FS1: start /wait ntbackup backup FS1 c$ /j 'FS1 Backup' /f 'C: BAK FS1 FS1_%mydate%.bkf' /M incremental echo FS1 is Done echo Backup was completed%date%%time% pause This is a complete interactive solution. But the real power is in the set mydate line. Being able to slice a string is a forgotten art in DOS; set mydate=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2% I take the command output of date, then cut it up, and spit out something that can be used as a filename.

The batch file will be executed through the task scheduler, and should run regardless of whether or not a user is logged in. I tried to make the batch file myself, and this was the best I could come up with rem - script to Backup the 1 TB drive attached to marketing server. Rem - use program to determine day of wek - then use the DAY of THE WEEK as the sub dir name set y =%date:~-4,4% set m =%date:~-10,2% set d =%date:~-7,2% set today =%y%%m%%d% set DOW=%1 echo on echo DOW net use M: /D net use M: marketing TeraByte marketingdata xCopy D: MICROS *.* M: MICROS TESTBKUP /CDEFHIY > M: MICROS BU%today%MICROS%DOW%.TXT echo Yes, the task really did execute >> marketing TeraByte MarketingData MICROS TESTBKUP testlog.txt pause:end The stuff at the beginning is just used to generate a date, and that was all copy/pasted from a script my boss had already created. Where my code starts is after the 'echo DOW' line. Whenever I try to get this to run, the task scheduler returns an operational code 2, and says the operation successfully completed, but none of the files were actually copied. What really confuses me about this whole thing, is that even though this script doesn't work, despite mapping the drive and using UNC paths, is that the following script created by my boss never mentions any network locations, yet it runs flawlessly and backs up the files to exactly the correct network drive.