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Zte F660 Password

Zte F660 Password Rating: 8,0/10 5380 reviews

Cara Mengetahui Password Admin Modem ZTE F660 - ITLampung.Com - Pada dasarnya artikel ini dibuat untuk memudahkan bagi Anda yang lupa password Admin Modem.

Lupa Password Admin Modem Indihome ZTE F660 August 31, 2016 December 17, 2016 Ragil Turyanto 17 Comments admin, indihome, zte f660 Bagi anda pengguna Indihome Fiber dengan modem ZTE F660 mungkin pernah mengalami lupa password admin dari modem ini, setelah sebelumnya juga pernah dirubah dari default admin dengan. ZXA10 F660 User Manual This page intentionally left blank. 5-12 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. Page 63: Chapter 6 Service.

SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual 3. Click Import Certificate to import the file. – End of Steps – Result The TR069 certificate is imported. 7.2 User Management Short Description Perform this procedure to manage users. Prerequisites The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device.

Click Modify to modify the configuration. Click Delete to delete the configuration. 4-19 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential.

Zte F660 Password Reset

Table 6-7 Basic QoS Parameters Parameter Description Template Index Template index Enable QoS To enable or disable the QoS function The Total Upstream Bandwidth. On the Application tab, select QoS, and then select Rule, as shown in Figure 6-19. Figure 6-19 QoS Rule 2. Configure the QoS rule parameters, as shown in Figure 6-20. 6-19 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 6-20 QoS Rule Configuration Table 6-8 lists the parameters for QoS rule configuration.

Bagi anda pengguna Indihome Fiber dengan modem ZTE F660 mungkin pernah mengalami lupa password admin dari modem ini, setelah sebelumnya juga pernah dirubah dari default admin dengan password admin. Sambil mencoba mengingat-ingat password terakhir di modem, coba cari di internet mengenai cerita dari modem type ini, dan ternyata banyak yang mengalami password berubah sendiri, atau mungkin dirubah oleh orang lain tanpa kita sadari, pasalnya secara default ip public modem ini bisa diakses melalui internet.

Click Submit to diagnose the connection, as shown in Figure 7-13. Click Cancel to cancel the configuration. Figure 7-13 Ping Diagnosis Result – End of Steps – Result Ping diagnosis is complete. 7-11 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual This page intentionally left blank. 7-12 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential.

Hai teman2x ada yg bisa bantu saya ga? Di kantor sy pakai modem ZTE F660, password modem user: admin dan password: admin.

Table 6-4 Media Parameters Parameter Description Codec Selection Code type Codec Priority Code priority The smaller the value is, the higher the priority is. Click Submit to finish the configuration.

• Glossary CATV - CAble TeleVision - Comfort Noise Generation - Direct Current DDNS - Dynamic Domain Name Server DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - Demilitarized Zone DNAT - Destination Network Address Translation - Domain Name Server DSCP - Differentiated Services Code Point - Digital Subscriber Line DTMF - Dual-ToneMulti-Frequency. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol - Internet Protocol IPTV - Internet Protocol Television - Internet Service Provider - International Telecommunications Union. • Glossary - Radio Frequency - Real-time Transport Protocol - Session Initiation Protocol SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol - Strict Priority - Soft Switch - Transfer Control Protocol TCP/IP - Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - User Datagram Protocol - UniformResource Locator - Voice Activity Detectors VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network.

• The driver of your network adapter has been installed properly. The TCP/IP setting has been configured correctly on your PC. If the ZXA10 F660 IP address is, the IP address of the computer must be from to The subnet mask must be and the default gateway must be

6-15 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 6-16 Host Name Configuration Completed – End of Steps – Result The host name is configured. 6.5 QoS Configuration This topic includes the following: Configuring Basic QoS Parameters Configuring QoS Rule Configuring QoS Rule Type. On the Application tab, select QoS. By default, Basic is selected, as shown in Figure 6-17. Figure 6-17 Basic QoS Parameters Note: The template index is enabled immediately after changed. Configure the basic QoS parameters, as shown in Figure 6-18.

On the Security tab, select Port Forwarding, as shown in Figure 5-10. Figure 5-10 Port Forwarding 2. Configure the port forwarding parameters, as shown in Figure 5-11. SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 5-11 Port Forwarding Configuration Table 5-5 lists the parameters for port forwarding configuration.

Autocad civil 3d land desktop companion 2009. • The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Context To configure the default gateway, perform the following steps: Steps 1. On the Network tab, select Routing Management.

4-13 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 4-12 DHCP Server 2. On the DHCP Server tab, configure the parameters, as listed in Table 4-9.

SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Parameter Description SSID Name SSID name. It cannot exceed 32 characters and is case sensitive. It is used to control the WLAN access.

Masih ada di ROM bawaannya. Coba kakak reboot dengan ROM bawaannya, trus masuk telnet dengan default password, trus buru2 di ganti password user root-nya telnet, dan bururu2 di disable remote-nya.

Context To configure queue management, perform the following steps: 6-23 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Steps 1. On the Application tab, select QoS, and then select Queue Management, as shown Figure 6-24. Figure 6-24 Queue Management 2.

SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 7-1 Basic TR069 Parameters 2.

Prerequisites The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Context To manage the device configuration, perform the following steps: Steps 1. • The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Context To manage logs, perform the following steps: Steps 1. On the Administration tab, select Log Management, as shown in Figure 7-11. SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential.

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2016 -09 - 16 09: 58 WIB Nmap scan report for gule.ayam ( ) Host is up (0.015s latency ). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 53 /tcp open domain 80 /tcp open http 443 /tcp open https Nmap done: 1 IP address ( 1 host up ) scanned in 6.97 seconds Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2016-09-16 09:58 WIB Nmap scan report for gule.ayam ( Host is up (0.015s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 53/tcp open domain 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.97 seconds Untuk yang menggunakan DMZ/Port forwarding siap-siap aja repot kalo ada perubahan password lagi, harus nunggu lama (atau ke plasa telkom) buat dapeting password barunya. Sepengatahuan saya (maaf saya bukan mewakili pihak pabrik) telnet tidak ditutup kakak.

Click Cancel to cancel the configuration. – End of Steps – Result SIP is configured.

Dimana nantinya fitur ini yang menjadi kunci utama dari masalah yang akan diselesaikan. Buka “ZOC” dan masukkan parameternya sebagai berikut: – connect to –> – port –> 23 – Session profile –> bebas – connection type –> telnet – emulation –> Ansi BBS 2.

Context The UPnP function supports zero configuration and device auto-discovery. After this function is configured, the device can be dynamically added to a network to obtain the IP address, announce the function, and know the functions of other devices. • The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Context To configure the domain name, perform the following steps: Steps 1. On the Application tab, select DNS Service.

Table 5-5 Parameters for Port Forwarding Configuration Parameter Description Enable To enable the port forwarding function Name Host name Protocol Protocol name, including TCP, UDP, as well as TCP. Click Add to finish the configuration, as shown in Figure 5-12. Click Modify to modify the configuration. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

• A computer in the LAN is installed with a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, Netscape Communicator 4.0 or higher. 1.6 System Application Environment ZXA10 F660 is an indoor device of ZTE series optical network terminal equipment. It works with the device to implement the FTTH application.

Context To configure the DHCP server, perform the following steps: Steps 1. On the Network tab, select Address Management. By default, DHCP Server is selected, as shown in Figure 4-12.

Buna multumesc domnului digi helper am reusit sa intru in router am fibra de 1G cele mai importante setari ar fi port foward usb si are ftp la lan si pppoe era facut bine dar la wireless era setari dea moaca era pus pe tara china, etc dar eu oricum nu voi folosi deloc wirelessu am observat ceva interesant la wireless are mixing mode, deci daca e ceace banuiesc eu atunci merge cu mai mult de 300M, dar asta trebuie testata, nu sunt sigur per asamblu imi place routerul, nu intepeneste, sper sa nu fie probleme pe viitor Edited by visinica, 29 October 2014 - 13:03. Atentie daca se deterioreaza sau se strica trebuie platit 250 euro desi e din china si pretul e mult mai mic Asta-i o nebunie ce spui tu acolo.Induci potentialii clienti intr-o regretabila eroare. Am si eu un ONT si in contract scrie clar.Daca se strica din cauza clientului (il scapi pe jos,versi cafeaua pe el etc) atunci clientul trebuie sa plateasca 250 de E.In nici un caz daca se strica dintr-un viciu de fabricatie sau din cauza uzurii normale trebuie sa platesti 250 E.Stii ce inseamna ce ai spus tu mai sus?Ca fiecare aparat ce apartine de Digi va fi platit cu suma de 1000 de lei de catre client intr-un viitor apropiat sau indepartat.(Nici un aparat nu va tine o vesnicie,se va uza si intr-un final va ceda). Asteptam o clarificare din partea lui Digi Helper. Edited by lost2209, 31 October 2014 - 20:03.

In Authentication Type, select Shared Key. By default, WEP Encryption is enabled. • Authentication Type Current SSID authentication mode WPA Passphrase pre-shared key Range: 8 – 63 characters WPA Group Key Update Interval Update interval of the WPA group key WPA Encryption Algorithm WPA encryption algorithm 4-11 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Note: The configuration method for the WPA2-PSK authentication mode is the same as that for the WPA-PSK authentication mode.

Double-click Local Area Connection to open the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 Local Area Connection Status 3. Click Properties in the General tab to open the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. • Select Use the following IP address and specify the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway. For example, you can set the IP address to, Subnet mask to, and Default gateway to, as shown in Figure 2-3. - Jika beberapa bulan yang lalu saya sudah share namun masih banyak juga pengguna produk Indihome yang menggunakan modem dengan model ZTE F660. Untuk caranya kurang lebih sama dengan F609 tersebut, yang membedakan hanya pada command akhir pada perintah saat kita sudah masuk mode root.

6-25 SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual Figure 6-26 Ingress Rate Limit Configuration Table 6-10 lists the parameters for ingress rate limit configuration. Table 6-10 Parameters for Ingress Rate Limit Configuration Parameter Description Visiting Interface User interface for the rate limit rule Enable. • Figure 6-28 SNTP Configuration Table 6-11 lists the SNTP parameters.

SJ-1034-001 2011-07-18 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential. • ZXA10 F660 User Manual 6.1.3 Configuring SIP Accounts Short Description Perform this procedure to configure SIP accounts. Prerequisites The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Context To configure accounts, perform the following steps: Steps 1. On the Application tab, select VoIP, and then select SIP Accounts, as shown in Figure 6-3. • The SIP accounts are configured.